Lacewings and Allies Recording Scheme

covering: Neuroptera, Megaloptera, Raphidioptera and Mecoptera of the British Isles


Authorssort descendingYearTitle
Aspöck, H., Aspöck U.1964{Synopsis der Systematik, Ökologie und Biogeographie der Neuropteren Mitteleuropas im Spiegel der Neuropteren-Fauna von Linz und Oberösterreich, sowie Bestimmungsschlüssel für die mitteleuropäischen Neuropteren und Beschreibung von Coniopteryx lentia
Brauer, F.1850{Beschreibung und beobachtung der šsterreichischen Arten der Gattung Chrysopa}
Burmeister, H.1839{Handbuch der Entomologie. Zweiter Band. Besondere Entomologie. Zweite Abtheilung. Kaukerfe. Gymnognatha.(Zweite Hälfte; vulgo Neuroptera)}
Curtis, J.1854{Descriptions of two species of the genus Hemerobius of Linnaeus, new to this country, with remarks on the nomenclature of Coniopteryx, and on Orthotaenia, Buoliana, &c.}
Curtis, J.1829{A guide to an arrangement of British Insects; being a catalogue of all the named species hitherto discovered in Great Britain and Ireland}
Enderlein, G.1906{Monographie der Coniopterygiden}
Enderlein, G.1905{Conwentzia pineticola nov. gen. nov. spec. eine neue Neuroptere aus Westpreussen}
Fabricius, J.C.1793{Entomologia systematica emendata et aucta secundum classes, ordines, genera, species adjectis synonimis, locis observationibus, descriptionibus}
Fabricius, J.C.1781{Species insectorvm exhibentes eorvm differentias specificas, synonyma avctorvm, loca natalia, metamorphosin adiectis observationibvs, descriptionibvs}
Fabricius, J.C.1777{Genera insectorvm eorvmqve characteres natvrales secvndvm nvmervm, figvram, sitvm et proportionem omnivm partivm oris adiecta mantissa speciervm nvper detectarvm}
Fourcroy, A.F.1785{Entomologia Parisiensis; sive catalogus insectorum, quae in agro Parisiensi reperiuntur}
Henry, C.S., Brooks, S.J., Duelli, P., Johnson J.B.2002{Discovering the true Chrysoperla carnea (Insecta: Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) using song analysis, morphology, and ecology}
Killington, F.J.1935{Chrysopa albolineata nom. nov. for Chrysopa tenella Schneid. (Neur.)}
Kis, B., Újhelyi S.1965{Chrysopa commata sp. n., and some remarks on the species Chrysopa phyllochroma Wesm. (Neuroptera)}
Lacroix, J.L.1912{Faune névroptérique de l'Algérie et de la Tunisie. I. Deux espèces nouvelles}
Linnaeus, C.1767{Systema natura per regna tria naturae secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis}
Linnaeus, C.1761{Fauna Svecica, sistens animalia Sveciae regni: Mammalia, Aves, Amphibia, Pices, Insecta, Vermes distributa per classes & ordines, genera & species, cum differentiis specierum, synonymis auctorum, nominibus natalium, descriptionibus insectorum}
Linnaeus, C.1758{Systema natura per regna tria naturae secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis}
McLachlan, R.1899{Notes on certain Palaearctic species of the genus Hemerobius. No. 1. Introductory remarks and the group of H. nervosus}
McLachlan, R.1868{A monograph of the British Neuroptera-Planipennia}
McLachlan, R.1866{Notes on three little-known species of British Hemerobidae}
Meinander, M.1963{Coniopterygidae (Neuroptera) from Morocco}
Navás, L.1925{Comunicaciones entomológicas. 7. Neurópteros del Museo de Berlin}
Ohm, P.1968{Vorläufige Beschreibung einer neuen europäischen Aleuropteryx-Art (Neuroptera, Coniopterygidae)}
Olivier, G.A.1792{Encyclopedie méthodique. Histoire naturelle. Vol. 7 (Insectes)}
Pictet, A.E.1865{Synopsis des Névroptères d'Espagne. H. Georg, Genèva; J. B. Baillière et Fils and F. Savy, Paris}
Pictet, F.J.1836{Mémoire sur le genre Sialis de Latreille, et considérations sur la classification de l'ordre des Névroptères}
Rambur, J.P.1842{Histoire Naturelle des Insectes, Névroptères. Librairie encyclopédique de Roret. Fain et Thunot, Paris}
Rambur, J.P.1838{Faune entomologique de l'Andalousie. Vol. 2}
Reuter, O.M.1894{Neuroptera Fennica. Förteckning och Beskrifning öfver Finlands Neuropterer}
Schneider, W.G.1851{Symbolae ad monographiam generis Chrysopae, Leach. Sexaginta picturarum tabulis, in lapide acu delineatis, quarum quinquaginta quatuor coloribus impressae sunt, illustratae}
Schneider, W.G.1846{IV. Neuroptera. Uebersicht der Arbeiten und Veränderung der Schlesischen Gesellschaft für Vaterländische Cultur}
Schummel, T.E.1832{Versuch einer genauen Beschreibung der in Schlesien einheimischen Arten der Gattung Raphidia, Linn. Beiträge zur entomologie besonders in bezug auf Schlesien, herausgegeben von T. E. Schummel}
Scopoli, J.A.1763{Entomologia Carniolica, exhibens insecta Carnioliae indigena et distributa in ordines, genera, species, varietates, methodo Linneana. Ioannis Thomae Trattner, Vindobonae}
Stephens, J.F.1835{Illustrations of British entomology; or, a synopsis of indigenous insects: containing their generic and specific distinctions; with an account of their metamorphoses, times of appearance, localities, food, economy, as far as practicable. Mandibulata Vol.
Tjeder, B.1960{A new subapterous coniopterygid from Denmark (Neuroptera)}
Tjeder, B.1957{A new European Hemerobius}
Tjeder, B.1932{Preliminary notes on Hemerobius limbatellus of authors}
Tjeder, B.1931{Boriomyia persica Mort., rava With., and Baltica n. sp.}
Tjeder, B.1930{Preliminary descriptions of three new Coniopteryx-species from northern Europe}
Walker, F.1853{List of the specimens of neuropterous insects in the collection of the British Museum. Part II. (Sialides, Nemopterides)}
Wallengren, H.D.J.1863{Bidrag till kännedomen af Sveriges Neuroptera}
Wesmael, C.1841{Notice sur les Hémérobides de Belgique}
Withycombe, C.L.1923{A new British hemerobiid (Order Neuroptera)}
Zelený, J.1963{Hemerobiidae (Neuroptera) from Czechoslovakia}
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith